(public and hospital pharmacies and companies with a compounding licence, if they handle FMD medicines subject to FMD)


A verification can be carried out at any time. Many pharmacies verify medicines on receipt to avoid problems on delivery.

Manual verification:

When there is a problem with the scanner, a manual verification can also be performed (if this option is provided in your FMD module). This option can only be used in these cases and not as a standard verification.


The medicine package must be deactivated as “DELIVERED” when:

  • the medicine package was delivered to the customer,
  • the medicine package is opened, e.g. in case of an IMV

If the medicine is to be destroyed by the pharmacy.

If the medicine package is delivered to the authorities as a sample.

Medicines sent to the Drug Research Service (DGO) should also be deactivated as “Sample”.

The hospital pharmacy may deactivate at any time the medicine package is in its possession and will not leave the hospital, i.e. also upon receipt of the medicines (however, please note the 10-day rule for a reactivation)

The pharmacy can reactivate a code in case of:  “Delivered” and “Sample”.

This reactivation must be carried out, within 10 days of deactivation, by the same user who deactivated the code.

Reactivation is therefore NOT possible for the “Destroy” action.


Verification or deactivation (or reactivation) requests can be submitted code by code (per medicine package) or in “Bulk”.

Bulk request: a series of codes and transactions are placed in the same request.

A specific function is (possibly) available in your FMD module.

If there is no connection to the verification system (no internet connection, password problem, etc.), you can proceed with verification and deactivation.

Your FMD module must have ensured that verification of these scanned codes is performed when the connection is re-established.

When you log on to the system for the first time, you must accept the terms and conditions (currently T&C version 6001).

If there is a new version of these terms and conditions, you will be notified. 

When acceptance of a new version is required, you will receive a notification during transactions with the system and your FMD module can notify you. Click  TermsConditionsV202408 to open the document.

The password must be changed every 90 days for security and data protection reasons.

 After 3 attempts with the wrong or expired password, your connection will be blocked.

The new password must:

  • be at least 8 characters long,

  • be completely different from and not similar to previous passwords,

  • have at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number and one special character.

Every 2 years, for security and protection of your data, the certificate must be renewed.

The system sends an e-mail with the details for this update.

To know the procedure (automated or otherwise), contact your FMD module software supplier.


After the user sends a request, the verification system sends a reply (system message).

This confirms whether the operation was successful or reports a problem in the execution of the request.

Certain responses are classified as an indicator of possible forgery (ALERTS).

Other system messages may also report a technical problem.


Most ALERTS are caused by incorrect information sent by the user to the verification system.

Usually, the cause is the scanner configuration or the interpretation of the scanned information by your FMD module.

It is therefore extremely important to check the operation of your scanner. Information on these system messages and the procedure to follow can be found on the NMVS alerts page.

Most system messages are due to a connection problem. Usually, there is a problem with the password update or the structure of the sent request.

The full list of these system messages, their meaning and the actions to be taken can be found at: List-of-Return-Codes-Translations-Release5.00-IF5

Check the proper functioning of your scanner with this page:


Depending on your FMD module, you have two options:

  1. Scan the 2D matrix codes on the page in your software and check that the result matches 100% with the information on the page (capital letters differ from lower case letters).
  2. First, open a blank document (e.g. in Notepad) and scan the 2D matrix codes. The result should match 100% of the information on the page (uppercase letters differ from lowercase letters).


Which user can access as a “pharmacy”?

According to the delegated regulation, the competent authorities have defined the following users as “pharmacy”


  • All public pharmacies authorised in Belgium.

  • The FOD Justice pharmacy, which delivers medicines to prisons.

  • Companies with a preparation licence and a wholesale licence, can also register as wholesale (instead of pharmacy).

  • Hospital pharmacies: all pharmacies of general and university hospitals, specialised hospitals and psychiatric institutions in Belgium.

A new pharmacy (public or hospital), must complete the following forms for registration: 

  • Access-Request-Form-1
  • NMVS Access Policy (NAP)

Send the fully completed and signed documents to support@bemvo.be.

Technical implementation of the connection to the verification system: a list of FMD module suppliers can be found on the SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS page.

Changing registration details

It is extremely important that your details are registered correctly. This is to ensure that your connection functions properly, you receive new information and correct support in case of problems. To avoid an interruption in your connection, your identification details such as the contact person, your address, e-mail address, the FMD software used, closure, etc. must be correct. 

If there is a change in the data, please forward THIS COMPLETED FORM to support@bemvo.be as soon as possible.


  • All public pharmacies authorised in Luxembourg

  • Hospital pharmacies: all pharmacies of general hospitals, specialised hospitals and psychiatric institutions in Luxembourg.