News from EMVO concerning the next EU Hub Release 1.16 – implications for uploading data. We would...
Dear software supplier, Please be informed that the NMVS system will be down for maintenance on 30th...
Dear software supplier, Please be informed that the NMVS system will be down for maintenance on 29th...
On 15 August 2024, the verification system will be temporarily unavailable (both NMVS and the EU Hub)...
The new version of the National Medicines Verification System (NMVS) – Core 4.00.006 and Reporting Tool...
Video: interview Annelore De Zutter head pharmacy AZ ST-LUCAS In the April edition of the EMVS Community...
FAMHP published circular full implementation of EU FMD from 9 February 2024
Contact our support team at SUPPORT@BEMVO.BE if You have not received a registration email; your registration...
In our previous webinar, we announced the planning of a follow-up session. In this new webinar, we will...
Since the 1st of July 2023, the Belgian “National Medicines Verification System” (NMVS) is connected...